Just want to share with you guys beauty tips yg aku rasekan penting utk kite either girls and even so boys. sape kate lelaki xperlu jage kulit muke?
salah satu espek y penting dlm penjagaan kulit muka ialah dgn mengenali jenis kulit muka anda. setiap org memiliki kulit y berbeza. ade y oily, ade y snsitif. so, produk kecantikan y sesuai juga berbeza utk setiap jenis kulit. jgn maen taram je produk pencuci muka. salah memilih produk y sesuai, bole menyebabkn kulit muka anda bertambah teruk. salah satu contoh, kalau la kulit muka anda ni sensitif tp anda gne produk y sesuai utk kulit berminyak. haaa? tgk la nti, sah muka anda bertambah2 la sensitif, kulit akn jd kemerah-merahan dan mgkin jd akn menggelupas. tu tanda nye kulit muka anda xsesuai dgn produk kecantikan tu.
ape y perlu anda buat? jmp la beautician.. haa.. anda bole pergi mane2 pusat kecantikan spt new york solution, dermalogica or any beauty center y laen. selalunye nti kalau korg masuk je kedai diorg, diorg (slalunye amoi2 cina comei2 tu la) akn ckp, cmni..
"hye, u nk wat facial ka? i tgk kulit muka u manyak teruk woo. byk itu dead cells, blackheads, itu whiteheads pn ada.. kulit u uneven woo.."
hahaha.. ni slalu terjadi ok? so jgn amek ati ngn diorg. tp siyesly, kalau anda tny pakar kecantikan ni diorg bole tau kulit anda ni mcm mane sbnrnye dgn mata kasar.. tp jgn risau, die akn test kulit muka anda ngn satu alat neh.. jgn risau, bende ni percuma je.haha. kalau die suh anda buat facial/ beli brg die (ni kes kalau anda xde ongkos y ckup la kn), anda ckp je ngn die..
"i nk pegi kuar duit dlu ye, i lupe nk withdraw td.. i xbwk kad kredit i plak ari ni.."
then korg cabut la, jgn lalu2 pn kedai die lg smpai la korg nk pegi wat treatment plak..haha.. :D
Knowing Your Skin Type
Your skin is oily if:
◈Your face looks shiny, especially in the T-zone
◈Your foundation tends to crease, especially in the forehead area and around the mouth (smile lines)
◈Your foundation “melts” or wears off
◈You are acne-prone, have whiteheads/blackheads
◈You have large pores
Your skin is dry if:
◈You have rough, flaky skin (or red patches)
◈Your skin feels tight or itchy (especially after cleansing)
◈You’ve never had acne
◈You’re sensitive to sun, wind, and cold
Your skin is sensitive if:
◈It irritates easily
◈You sunburn easily
◈Your skin is red or blotchy
◈You have negative reactions to certain cosmetic products
◈You have broken capillaries beneath the surface of your skin
Your skin is combination if:
◈Products help one area of your face, but irritate the other
◈You have dry cheeks, but an oily (or acne-prone) T-zone
◈Your skin is unbalanced (oily in certain areas, but dry in others)
Your skin is normal if:
◈You have even skin tone
◈You can use any products without irritations
◈You have few or no breakouts; you have smooth skin
◈Your skin always looks and feels supple, with or without moisturizer
Kulit muka aku: Oily skin type at the T-zone + dehydration..
kulit anda pula??
in the next post, insyaAllah aku akn berkongsi produk y aku pakai skang. x de la kate kulit muka aku lawa tp setakat ni aku rase produk tu berkesan and ade perubahan selepas pakai. so nk tau ape, stay tune ok? :D
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